Providing a place for people to grow closer to Christ, deeper in faith and committed to service.
Children's Ministry
The children meet in Sunday school at 9:45 for their own praise and Bible study before 11:00 worship. All leaders are background checked and faithful in biblical teaching. Our dedicated, background- checked teachers meet with the children, 1st grade to 5th grade.We look forward to what the Lord has for us in the future!
Student & Youth Ministry
This is a group of students and teens simply gathering around God’s word, seeking to know and love Him more for His glory. Join them as they dig deeper into God’s word and its life application! The classes meet on the upper level of the Children’s Educational Building.
Music Ministry
As we strive to lift the name of Jesus and prepare our hearts to receive His word, vocalists and instrumentalists alike are welcome to be part of the worship experience at Unaka Avenue Baptist Church. Blending a traditional style of worship along with contemporary praise and worship music allows the opportunity to balance musical experiences during worship. All voices are welcomed and we ask that you join us in our efforts to glorify God as we use our gifts and talents to lead others in praise of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Adult Bible Education
We have dedicated, conscientious teachers for our Sunday School classes (Sunday Morning) and Bible Study (Monday Evening).
These classes meet in the rooms off the sides of the sanctuary.